Parent Information
We pride ourselves on keeping parents and families up-to-date and good communication is vital for successful school and home relationships. The following information aims to assist parents to understand the practices at St Leonards
Enrolment and Transition
We welcome new enrolments and invite parents to contact the school. Principal Tours are offered to families throughout the year. Our Year 6 School Amabassadors conduct the tours followed by a short meeting with a member of the Leadership Team. This is a wonderful opportunity to see teaching and learning in action.
Before a student enrols at St Leonards Primary School an official enrolment form must be completed and signed by the enrolling parent or guardian. Families must also provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate or passport and proof of residence with either a gas or electricity bill, or if renting, a copy of your rental agreement. Please contact Mel Worden, Enrolment Officer, for all enrolment enquiries by emailing or call her at school during office hours on 8294 9811.
There are two Reception intakes each year in Term 1 and Term 3 (mid-year intake). Letters are sent to parents advising the date and time of the transition visit prior to starting school. Every effort is made for the students to meet with their class teacher and peers on this day. The Leadership Team and Reception teachers will provide an information session for parents and caregivers during this visit.
Secondary School enrolment is an online process. Year 6 families receive an email link at the end of Term 1 prompting them to complete the online process. Students are provided with details of Secondary School Open Days and Special Interest entry programs via the school newsletter. Secondary School transition days take place in Term 4.

- Email
- Call us on 08 8294 9811
Enrolment – Expression of Interest Form
The St Leonards Primary School Canteen provides students with a variety of healthy food items. Our Canteen is operated by our Canteen Manager and parent volunteers.
Our Canteen Manager is Katrina James. She is assisted by the Canteen Committee, a sub-committee of the Governing Council.
The Canteen is open Tuesday – Friday. Children can purchase food and snacks during recess or lunch times. There is an ordering system for lunch with lunches being delivered to the classroom by lunch monitors. Older children can assist in the Canteen by becoming a Canteen Champion. We welcome parent helpers. All parent helpers must complete the volunteer process.
Orders can be placed through the Qkr! app (preferred method) by 9:15am (no late orders accepted).
Canteen staff can be contacted on 8294 7893.
Details of the delicious food and prices can be found in this Price List.
Students at St Leonards Primary School have the option to participate in a variety of sports. We have a committed group of parent volunteers that facilitate a wide range of out of school hours sports. These include Soccer, Mini Soccer, Netball, Mini Netball and Tee Ball.
We are always interested in starting up new sports teams, so if you are interested in coaching one of the above sports, or have another sport you would like to get started, please contact the school. All coaches require a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) before undertaking any work within the school. Please contact the Office if you require further information.
Sports Curriculum
At St Leonards, all children participate in a specialist Physical Education Program. Each class receives one or two forty minute lessons a week (depending on their year level). From Reception to Year 2, we focus on the development of Fundamental Movement Skills, which are a range of gross motor movements that allow us to participate in a range of sports and leisure activities more successfully.
Sports participation includes swimming lessons for Reception – Year 4 students, Surf Ed for Year 5 & 6 and a whole school Sports Day. Out of school hours sports include T Ball (Term 1 and Term 4 at the Glenelg Baseball Club), Soccer (Term 2 and Term 3) and Netball (Term 2 and Term 3). Students in Years 4-6 can participate in SAPSASA Athletics, Cross Country, Basketball, Soccer, Hockey, Tennis, Football, Netball, Beach Volleyball, Lacrosse etc.
Chinese is our language subject
Students from Reception to Year 6 are engaged in a broad primary school language curriculum, where many connections are made between themselves and others as well as the English language and other languages. Underpinning the curriculum are outcomes that support diversity, world harmony, humanity, global citizenship and intercultural understanding.
The study of languages at St Leonards is based on the Australian Curriculum requirements and can be accessed online at
Pui Heng Chan
Languages Teacher
Electronic Communication
The St Leonards Primary School Facebook page is a great way of communicating to families about whole school events, important messages and general goings on around the school. The page is monitored by staff.
The schools Facebook page can be found via this link
School page
St Leonards Children’s University page
Sport at St Leonards page

Seesaw is used by all classes, please see your child’s class teacher
Seesaw gives families an immediate and personalized window into their child’s school day. Seesaw empowers students to independently document their learning with built-in creative tools. Students can upload their work for their families to see. The teacher must approve all items before they are sent. It is safe and secure introduction to 21st century learning.
Jervois Street
Glenelg North SA 5045
Phone: (08) 8294 9811
Fax: (08) 8295 2568