About us
Principal’s Welcome
St Leonards Primary School is a fast growing primary school of approximately 360 students located 11 kms from Adelaide and is close to the beach and excellent local facilities.
St Leonards Primary School has a strong and proud history of success. As educators, we are committed to the educational and social development of our students, aiming for each child to reach their full potential.
Rich opportunities are provided to our students to grow as individuals and to excel in a range of extra curricula activities including sports, performing arts, community activities and student voice. The years of fine academic tradition continue to be reflected in our achievements with consistently high grades in the national tests and competitions.
Parent participation at any level in the school is greatly valued by us as it enhances the quality of the educational programs and to that end, I urge you to consider taking an active role, no matter how small, in some facet of school life.
There are many exciting features at the school and I invite you to browse through this website to investigate the learning journey undertaken by our students.
At the same time, we are interested in continuous improvement and if you have questions or suggestions for improvement, please communicate with us.
I look forward to you visiting us, so that you too can feel the positive ethos of our caring, family orientated school.
Corey Mudie
International Students
St Leonards Primary School is registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) and as such we are able to provide study placements for students from abroad. Students are integrated into appropriate year level classes and have the opportunity to take part in the curriculum as well as extracurricular activities.
It is a wonderful opportunity for cultural exchange that greatly enriches our school community.
Department for Education T/A South Australian Government Schools
CRICOS provider number: 00018A
For more information about studying abroad in South Australia, please contact:
International Education Services
Department for Education
PO Box 1152, Adelaide SA 5001 | GFW, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Telephone: +618 8226 3402 Fax: +618 8226 3655
Email: education.isp@sa.gov.au
Student Leadership
Student Leadership at St Leonards Primary School is an important initiative which enables our students to develop self-confidence and grow in their ability to be a leader.
School Ambassadors
Our School Ambassadors are responsible for assisting the Principal in a range of duties including welcoming visitors, Principal Tours, presenting Student Awards and representing students at meetings.
Student School Improvement Team
The School Improvement Team is a groups of Year 6 students who meet with the Principal to discuss ways in which the school can be improved. They gather information from all year levels to present to leadership.
Smart Play Leaders
What is Smart Play: Smart Play is a lunchtime program that provides an opportunities for students to engage in play-based and exploratory learning, including imaginative and creative activities. When combined with a caring and supported environment, children build ‘emotional literacy’ which is the ability to understand themselves and other people. Smart Play helps to develop students’ ability to understand, express and manage their own emotions and respond appropriately to the emotions of others. In Smart Play, students will learn positive language, solve problems, make friends, and build resilience whilst having fun in a group environment.
Who are Smart Play Leaders: Smart Play Leaders are Year 5 and 6 students who apply to help the Wellbeing and Engagement Leader to provide a caring and fun environment for younger students attending Smart Play. Smart Play Leaders model the school values of readiness, respect and resilience. They are kind and inclusive and work closely with the Wellbeing and Engagement Leader to build their own skills as beginning leaders. They learn how to support younger students to engage in positive play with games and activities that are designed to give students opportunities to use positive language, use the Zones of Regulation to describe emotions, take turns, negotiate roles, solve problems, and make new friends.
House Captains
The House Captains are under the guidance of Miss Harbin and Mr Schwarz and help with team preparations for Sports Day, cleaning up the sports shed and organising new equipment. They also help with lunch time activities and support teachers and students.
Handy Helpers
The Handy Helpers assist with general odd jobs around the school including paper and can recycling. They support our Grounds Person Tim.
Canteen Champions
Under the guidance of Katrina (Canteen Manager) the Canteen Champions help during recess or lunch to serve in the canteen, providing good customer service, assisting with restocking products and tidying up.
Library Monitors
The library monitors help Kelly Peterson with supporting younger students when borrowing and helping to tidy and put things away.
Performing Arts
This team helps to set up the PA system for assemblies and assists with the organisation of the hall for performances
To be a successful Student Leader, students need to show:
Respect: To speak clearly and respectfully in meetings and on other occasions. To respect others ideas and to let others have their say without interrupting.
Resilience: To not give up when a problem or difficulty arises.
Readiness: To attend all meetings and be punctual. To follow up issues at meetings.
Pastoral Care
Hello, St Leonards parents, friends and community members.
My name is Kirstin Whait and I am the new Pastoral Care Worker (PCW) at St Leonards Primary School. I look forward to carrying out my role as the PCW in supporting the wellbeing of students, their families and staff members; to help further develop and continue the positive learning environment that St Leonards currently embodies.
Together with the Wellbeing Team and teachers, I hope to support students in improving social skills and other key attributes such as confidence, teamwork and positive relationship building. I am working alongside the school to implement strategies to build up resilience, empathy and mindfulness something which we can all benefit from in the current circumstances. Part of my role includes working with local communities’ groups in Glenelg some of which have generously agreed to support the school through donations of food vouchers and other goods & services.
I look forward to meeting you and working with you and your children over my time here at St Leonards.
Kirstin Whait, PCW

Governing Council
The Governing Council consists of up to 16 parents who work with the Principal to assist with the direction and further development of the school. Meetings occur twice a term on a Tuesday night in Week 3 and Week 8.
There are a number of sub committees on which all parents are also most welcome to join, which include Finance, OSHC, Canteen, Uniform, Fundraising, Sports, Wellbeing, Education/Learning and Grounds/Facilities. These groups assist to set the broad direction, vision and strategic planning of the school.
The 2024 Governing Council members are:
Rachel Newrick (Chairperson)
Rachel’s role is to chair meetings, set agendas and represent the school when required. Rachel liaises with the Principal on a regular basis.
Bec Chrisan (Deputy Chair)
Bec’s role is to chair meetings, set agendas and represent the school in the Chairpersons absence.
Romildo Votto (Treasurer)
Romildo chairs the Finance sub-committee, sets the Finance meeting agenda and reviews and presents the budget with the Principal.
Jane Downs (Secretary)
Jane takes and distributes minutes. She also distributes the upcoming agenda and correspondence.
Corey Mudie, Naomi Martin, Stevo Jurkovic and the Staff Representatives ( Once Per Term) as well as Heather Pronk GC Community Member
Liaise with Governing Council and represents the view of the staff and presents class reports to the meeting.
Members represent parents at Governing Council meetings and lead or participate in at least one sub-committee.
Current members include Rachel Newrick, Bec Chrisan, Romildo Votto, Jane Downs, Shaun Atkinson, Toni Gluskowski, Kelly George, Fiona Lyons, Kendall Timmers, Kate Nuske, Riaan Lourens and Jules Brook.
The Governing Council involves parents and the wider school community in decision making to ensure that the educational, cultural and social needs of the community are considered.
Jervois Street
Glenelg North SA 5045
Phone: (08) 8294 9811
Fax: (08) 8295 2568